Why refer a client to EZ Scripts Pharmacy?
Your Client's Benefits
Receives Rx for the life of the work comp claim
Prescription verified immediately
Immediate Rx coverage
Easy enrollment process
Reduce Rx delays
No interruption in medication delivery
Fast Rx delivery via UPS My Choice
Accommodate last-minute address changes for Rx delivery due to vacation, being away from home, etc.
Auto medication refills
100% medication availability
No out-of-pocket expenses (we direct bill to insurance)
Receives timely and relevant SMS text messages regarding the status of Rx, delivery information, etc.
Safe and secure management of data and records
Access to exceptional customer service
Your Law Firm's Benefits
Extend your client care
Access to 240 languages via LanguageLine Solutions
Confidence that you are referring your client to a highly reputable work comp pharmacy
Easy client referral process
Access to exceptional customer service
What are the next steps once EZ Scripts Pharmacy receives my client referral?
One of our enrollment specialists will contact your client very soon.
We will then collect additional information from your client.
Next, we will contact your office for additional information we might need that is not already supplied on the prescription.
We will verify the prescription.
Once the prescription is verified, the pharmacy will fill it and ship your client's medication to them via UPS My Choice.
Is there another way I can refer my work comp client to EZ Scripts Pharmacy?
Yes! We welcome you to call or email our office to refer your client at 443.290.6337 or
How can I receive additional assistance?
Please call us with your questions at 443.290.6337 or email us at